What’s Hot at The Co-Co!
A blog about co-working, community, and our members.
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Member Spotlight: Deborah Munies
Meet Deborah Munies - Executive Coach and Podcast Host
I always had the desire to help people but didn't know what that was supposed to look like. I hired an Executive Coach while I was managing Corporate Communications for the Mortgage Division at Lehman Brothers during the mortgage industry highs and lows. Once I experienced the personal and professional life changing impact of those sessions, I knew coaching others in that way was what I was meant to do. It was like this big question had been finally answered! But it still took a lot of internal wrestling to finally admit to myself I was changing my path. When my job at Lehman came to an end, I took my severance and entered a training program to become an Executive Coach and then Master Certified Coach. That was over 7 years ago. No regrets!
Member Spotlight: Vani Krishnamurthy
Vani Krishnamurthy of the CoCo Gallery
Like many other people who are in charge of their home decor, I have always struggled to find works of art that truly speak to my family and me. Most people set out looking for artwork that is specific to an idea they have or a space to furnish, but they end up getting frustrated by high price points and a lack of connection with art that was made for different contexts. Having worked with artists all my life and armed with a Harvard Business School degree, I formed CoCo Gallery (www.cocogallery.com) in 2015 to solve this problem.
Co-Co Team Spotlight: Kathy Cowan
Kathy Cowan of The Co-Co
I like to say I'm from Williamsport, PA however I need to embrace that I'm a Jersey girl, having lived in Madison NJ for 23 years, longer than PA!! Graduated from Villanova University (GO CATS!) with degree in Finance. Over the years I've worked for a business consulting firm and two HR companies where I specialized in college recruiting and staffing. Volunteering and my family(3 kids, 2 very bad dogs and 1 husband) took the forefront for many years. But now I'm pivoting...inspired by our engaged and talented community. Showing up and thrilled to be a part of our members dreams, ambitions, and bright futures.
Member Spotlight: Erin Halper
Erin Halper of The Upside
My business journey started back in 2009 on a beautiful August day. All of the partners and senior execs at my company were off with their families, enjoying the beautiful summer month, and I was stuck inside an air-conditioned office with hardly any work to do. I was about to get married that fall, and planned to start a family as soon as possible.
I was really good at my job, and super efficient, so I thought, “I just want to be paid for my time.” My fiance (now husband) encouraged me to take the leap and launch my own consultancy, giving me the flexibility and autonomy that I so desperately wanted.
Learning to Own My Career Break
Suzanne Willian, Co-Founder, The Co-Co
I woke early for the 9am start of a three-day coaching course, the second in a series of five towards professional certification. Almost everything was as expected: typical hotel meeting room in suburban Denver, chairs in a U shape, room filled with high-energy extroverts. What was not expected was the anxiety - my heart racing and palms sweating. After a 15-year career break all l could think was: do I belong in this room? I’m sure I’m the only one with “Stay-At-Home Mom” on their resume!
Social Impact Panel Takeaways: Innovations in Healthcare
Sita Kedia MD, MPH, FAHS, Chief Medical Officer | PALM Health
Incorporating stress reduction into your daily life:
Lay on the ground (office floor, in front of the couch at home, anywhere). It should be either on the floor or the ground. Feel the weight of that support. The grounding of our body. The hydrating of your spinal cord. The equilibrium of your body. Gravity is working on your body at equal pressure from your head to your toes. Let yourself just relax, letting thoughts come and go as they want. Just 5 minutes. That’s all your need.
Women-focused Co-Working Spaces in Suburbia — Bringing Life in Balance
Suzanne Willian, Co-Founder, The Co-Co
When my kids were young, there were two choices: you were either a stay-at-home mom or a working mom. Having been on both sides, I felt and understood the tension between the two. Fast forward to today, and things have changed drastically. Part of the reason is female-friendly coworking spaces. They give women the freedom—regardless of their stage in life—to broaden the definition of work.
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