Member Spotlight: Deborah Munies

Meet Deborah Munies

Executive Coach and Podcast Host

Give us your background and your story! We want readers to know a little more about your journey.

I always had the desire to help people but didn't know what that was supposed to look like. I hired an Executive Coach while I was managing Corporate Communications for the Mortgage Division at Lehman Brothers during the mortgage industry highs and lows. Once I experienced the personal and professional life changing impact of those sessions, I knew coaching others in that way was what I was meant to do. It was like this big question had been finally answered! But it still took a lot of internal wrestling to finally admit to myself I was changing my path. When my job at Lehman came to an end, I took my severance and entered a training program to become an Executive Coach and then Master Certified Coach. That was over 7 years ago. No regrets! 

Tell us about your business or work, so readers know about what you do and how you could potentially help them.

I'm an Executive Coach and also the producer and host of the podcast "Let's Figure It Out." 

As an Executive Coach, I work with high achieving women to help them feel less overwhelmed, see new possibilities, and make personal and professional changes. I coach people on the phone and in person - from Amsterdam to California to Summit, NJ, and in varying fields from finance to healthcare to higher education. She's the woman who is a rockstar at work, has children, is doing it all but she knows it's a lot and wants to make a change in her job, home, or self. Or she's starting/has a business and wants someone to keep her accountable as she meets her goals, and we address her fears and limitations standing in her way.  

While I may not work for a corporation anymore I do love my corporate clients - coaching individuals as well as delivering my signature leadership workshop, "Changing The Mindset." It's one of my favorite offerings as it allows me to really make an impact in the corporate environment and help individuals learn the simple, effective and sustainable tools that helped me so much when I was in their shoes.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to help my clients create the personal and professional life that brings them fulfillment, confidence and happiness.  It's so wonderful to see their face light up as they realize there's other options…that are better!

Last but not least, my podcast "Let's Figure It Out." It was born out of two desires - 1.) To have meaningful conversations with people who've made life changes; and  2.) A dream of mine to have my own radio show. I took my broadcasting background from many moons ago, combined it with coaching and my innate curiosity and viola! And right now this passion is morphing into me mentoring others as they launch their own podcasts.

How did you hear about the coco and what prompted you to join.

The Co-Co kept popping up in my life! First a client told me about the space, then I ironically saw the founders speak at a holiday function. I came to the opening night to check out the space, then I tried a work day. I could feel the unique energy that is The Co-Co. The founders have not created just a workspace where you pop open your laptop. They've created a community. I like to say The Co-Co is like "Cheers" - where everyone knows your name and they're always glad you came.

Why you love co-working and how it helps your business.

While I do love the beautiful decor and delicious smelling candles, it's the endless stream of smart members and thought provoking social panels that keep me coming back for more. The founders and members are super supportive and encouraging, and they always are quick to make introductions and connect me with like minded members. My business has not only grown since I joined The Co-Co, it has become more joyful and fulfilling. And isn't that what it's all about?

Website -

Instagram - @DeborahMunies

Podcast - Let's Figure It Out - Available on Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify


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