Meet Lily Trouse

I am a junior at Fairleigh Dickinson University pursuing a major in marketing and minor in leadership management . I will be graduating in the fall, but am a part of the University's 4+1 program where I will attend class for an extra year to get my master’s degree. I am currently a member of the Marketing Club, Women in Business Club, and Greek organization Zeta Tau Alpha whose philanthropy is breast cancer education and awareness. Last fall I was FDU's Silberman College of Business media intern where I helped manage their social media accounts and contributed to a weekly update sent out to students. In my free time I enjoy going to the gym, hiking, reading, and going to the beach!

I am currently The Co-Co's marketing intern and work the desk on Fridays. If you are in the workspace and ever need help or have any questions feel free to reach out!


I learned about the Co-Co from a fellow FDU student who was their previous intern. She loved working here and highly recommended I apply. The Co-Co plays a role in my life by giving me the opportunity to gain experience in my field of study through working on various online platforms and through my amazing coworkers. It has also helped open the doors to a larger community I can network with and learn from.


What's Hot at The Co-Co: May 1, 2022


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