Thank You for Your Daring Leadership

Peer Mentorship Groups are communities within The Co-Co community that come together around business, life stage, or interests. The purpose of these groups is to build supportive, authentic relationships that create value, impact, and opportunity for the group members. Under the leadership of a member facilitator, participants connect in small communities and 1:1.

While this session of peer mentorship officially included six groups and six facilitators, the facilitators and I also came together to share what we were learning, brainstorm the challenges we faced, and support and inspire one another. My experience with these women created significant value, impact, and opportunity for me. 

As a small way to thank these friends and colleagues, I’d like to share just one of the many ways each of them have influenced my life and work.

Jen Milnes has been a valued member of Team Co-Co since the beginning. Her ability to synthesize key issues is a superpower. As a strategic thought partner on programming initiatives (including the Peer Mentorship Groups), she has helped me distill and focus on what’s important. Thank you, Jen. 

I met Christina Langdon at a Co-Co Coach Cohort in early 2020, and it’s been a gift to walk alongside her as she grows her coaching business. She preaches and lives the importance of being the CEO of you. I am learning to intentionally provide space to learn and grow, play, and rest through Christina's words and actions. Thank you, Christina.

Around this time last year, Wendy Schult reached out about The Artist’s Way, a 12-week guided course designed to re-ignite creativity. She felt the experience would be richer in the company of The Co-Co's curious and collaborative women. We partnered to offer the program and soon had two dozen women enrolled. As an outgrowth of this shared experience, I am noticing and celebrating the creativity in my life and work. Thank you, Wendy.

Deb Stellato led an Entrepreneur Cohort for The Co-Co in November of 2020 on leadership energy in times of stress and non-stress. Energy leadership piqued my curiosity and with Deb, I explored my energy as a leader. I’m learning to recognize and be more intentional with my energy and approach in different situations. Thank you, Deb.

Jen Groce’s approach to life and work point to the value of coach training for those of us, including me, who aren’t practicing coaches. She uses the skills - deep listening, open, honest feedback, effective questioning - in her executive search work and her life. A few years ago, we had a conversation about the value of coach training in our roles as parents, spouses, and friends that still resonates with me. Thank you, Jen.

In a recent exchange, Kelly Falcone shared that self-compassion is helping her continue to take steps towards her professional goals. That’s wisdom. I am often struck by how critical women are of themselves and (this is another Kellyism) how we allow our own mean girl to work their nastiness on us. Through Kelly, I see the opportunities that being kind and gentle with oneself can create. Thank you, Kelly.

A sentiment bubbled up in me while thinking back on my experience with these fabulous women and preparing for our celebratory, in-person wrap-up. Brene Brown says that “Daring leaders work to make sure people can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.” Our community came together as daring leaders through the pandemic. Connecting with one another genuinely and empathetically, WE MADE IT.

I believe our community is now on the verge of something powerful.  As I shared with you at our holiday coffee, our leadership team’s vision is that The Co-Co is the premier women’s networking community in NJ and surrounding areas.

I also believe that making that happen is surprisingly simple. It’s showing up for one another as you have as peer mentors. It is leading and following, giving and receiving, and sharing and listening. It’s serving as facilitators, signing up for other members’ events, asking a member for a referral, and offering one without being asked. It’s reaching out to extraordinary women you know who are making things happen and encouraging them to join us. 

Together, we’re creating a new and daring way of networking, where people can be themselves and feel a sense of belonging.


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