What's Hot at The Co-Co: May 1, 2022

5 Reasons You Need Camp Co-Co This Summer

1. Connection. At Camp Co-Co, you will authentically connect with dynamic, curious women through physical and digital spaces - women from a myriad of backgrounds, ages, stages, and life experiences.

2. Inspiration. Whether you’re an entrepreneur building a business, leading in a corporate career, entering or re-entering the workforce, or going through a transition in your career arc, there are Camp Co-Co programs to fuel your unique path to success.

3. Purpose. A woman alone has power; collectively, we have impact. Your participation accelerates The Co-Co community's businesses and passions. #womensupportingwomen

4. New Learning. The Co-Co community has come together to create nearly 20 diverse and inviting co-learning spaces. You'll learn from and educate each other and accelerate your growth by tapping into a wealth of resources and expert advisers.

5. New Experiences. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Engage new people, ideas, spaces, and places. Build your confidence and spark creativity at Camp Co-Co.

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Member Spotlight: Meet Marta Nowicka


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