Member Spotlight: Lisa Schor Babin

I am Founder & Principal of Schor Ethics Consulting, LLC. Prior to starting my ethics consulting business, I spent 17 years at Dun & Bradstreet, most recently in the role of Global Compliance & Ethics Leader reporting to the Chief Compliance Officer. During my time at Dun & Bradstreet, I built and branded the Compliance and Ethics program framework, with Code of Conduct and other policies, training, communications and awareness, and a new global hotline program. I have extensive experience partnering with global leaders to promote and reward personal and organizational integrity, ethical leadership, transparency, and accountability. Prior to Dun & Bradstreet, I spent 10 years at Goldman, Sachs & Co., the last 7 years of which as VP, Contract Negotiator in the Legal department’s Technology, Licensing & Contracts Group. I am a Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional – International (CCEP-I) and Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional (CCEP) since 2014.

Through the building blocks of an effective compliance program, including strategic compliance program planning and execution, speak-up culture solutions, and insightful communications, my goal is to help start-ups and small businesses build an ethical culture absolutely needed to thrive in the long-term and mid-sized companies re-imagine the elements of their program to get ahead of the changing regulatory environment, create a safe and transparent workplace, and prevent and early-detect misconduct. My long-term vision is to help prepare corporate leaders to be at the forefront of real-world ethical, social and environmental issues.

In early March, I joined a zoom sponsored by NJPAC entitled, "Gathering of Givers: Reshaping Our Communities and Our World." During the zoom, Suzanne Willian and I started to chat and we committed to connecting sometime after that call. I was invited to visit the CoCo facility in Short Hills and participate in a few virtual events. I found the opportunity to connect with women professionals in such different and varied professions to be really refreshing, and I soon decided to join. It's been great and I've met and connected with so many smart and interesting women already!

View Lisa’s company here :


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