Member Spotlight: Michelle Neier

After working in pediatric hematology and oncology for over a decade, I made the decision to formally transition my practice to that of pediatric integrative medicine. My personal and professional journeys had slowly been melding for years. I moved toward an integrative model of care as I searched for answers to questions that both my patients and I were asking.

My passion for transforming lives with integrative medicine began years ago with one of my first patients and her parents. They kept asking me about diet and what to feed their child who had a rare cancer. I didn’t have the answers but met many parents like them along the way. They never allowed me to be embarrassed and pushed me to keep searching. I remain so grateful to all of them for getting me to this point. And, I still keep in touch with the parents of that little girl who is now a young woman asking questions of her own.

I was also seeking ways of using lifestyle including nutrition and exercise to improve my own health and that of the people for whom I cared. In the beginning, I struggled to know appropriate resources for those answers and floundered in helping my patients. Fortunately, through an integrative medicine fellowship, I was able to finally seek out the resources and answers. My journey has not ended and I believe it will be an ongoing and lifelong one. I am constantly curious and asking those difficult questions that make everyone crazy, like “But, why are we doing it this way if it hasn’t been working”??

I empower children and young adults with chronic diseases to harness their innate healing ability using my unique STORY method™ and guarantee to care for them like my own. I am a pediatric integrative medicine physician who creates opportunities for children and young adults to help them thrive in mind, body and spirit.

My focus is on children with chronic diseases such as autoimmune diseases, anxiety, migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. Many diseases have an impact on the whole family and my goal is to support the patient as well as their caregivers and siblings.

My commitment to each and every parent is to love and take care of your child like my own. This is much more than a job to me, it is my passion and my heart.

I've heard about The Co-Co through community events. It was Sara and Alex at The R3Finery who convinced me to join after telling me about their own experience. I have been truly moved and overwhelmed by the support and encouragement from other members. After working in a corporate medical environment for so many years, the enthusiasm and good energy of The Co-Co is a welcome breath of fresh air.


Co-Founder Reflections: Boy, have things changed...


Member Spotlight: Lisa Schor Babin