Member Spotlight: Lisa DiSciullo

As a former Corporate Training Consultant specializing in effective communication, negotiation, and leadership skills, I was stumped and feeling like a failure that I couldn’t manage cooperative relationships with my 7, 9, and 11-year children! No one listened, everyone was fighting and annoyed, and we were always late. It was not the family I pictured. I got to work studying, practicing, and learning about what it takes to lead my family in a way that would grow my children in resilience and ensure long term positive family relationships. That developed my love of positive parenting.

Almost 20 years later, after many certifications, and with 3 successful independent grown children, I am still teaching parenting classes and workshops and coaching individuals and couples, to help parents develop families that support growth and harmony.

Clients are amazed at how quickly the atmosphere of their family and the behavior of their children can change with some focused information, positive parenting tools, and shifting their approaches to their children. Parents are less worried and know they are giving the best of themselves to their children.

I first came to the Co-Co on a day offered to BIG (Believe Inspire Grow) members and found the Co-Co to be an amazing place to connect and find support from a community of business oriented women who are interested in combining their experience and talents to create meaningful work balanced with family life.

I love the independence of being a solo-preneur, and the Co-Co has given me the opportunity to have people to work alongside and a way to extend my network, find referral partners, and have a space to meet with clients for classes and workshops.  


Member Spotlight: Laura Abrams


Member Spotlight: Sunny Sun