Member Spotlight: Sunny Sun

As a first-generation immigrant, I grew up in a heavily academic-focused family in China.  I came to the US for graduate school, then worked in Corporate Finance and Operating Management field. My husband is a two-time international math Olympic champion and now an IT engineer. We have a four years old son who is crazy about LEGO building. 

Throughout my journey of being a team player, a life partner, and a mom, I have kept the thirst and curiosity about authentic leadership and great human minds. Education in this modern world deems to lean heavily on Math, Science, and Technology, while the goal of nourish humanity and social development is equally important as always. Among such broad teaching aspects,  how to encourage children not only to learn but also to love to learn? How to lead children not only to answer questions but also to question the answers? And, What are the crucial elements of humanity, and why great people are great? With these questions and faith in high quality, fun-based education, I became an Owner and Educator of Snapology. Snapology STEM programs’ teamwork and interactive class environment encourage students to maximize their capability of voice and listen for the best outcome to interact with others. The great variety of themes and topics boost our children to think out of the LEGO box and to be curious about the surrounding world. At Snapology, LEGO is never a box of plastic bricks, but a key to open the door to mind sparking adventures for true, brilliant future leaders. 

Snapology is series of unique curriculums that provide a fun, collaborative, and creative environment for children to learn math, science, technology, engineering, art, and literacy concepts using LEGO® bricks and other similar building tools. With 180 branches established In the USA and six other countries, we are excited to join the community in the area. 

Our approach is based on proven research; that children’s’ best learning experiences come from actively designing, creating, interacting, and inventing. During a class or an event, children are guided by instructors through an interactive lesson followed by model building or computer work. Usually, children have so much fun, and they don’t notice that they are learning. 

Our 79 and more programs are mobile-based with endless flexibility and opportunity. We are glad to embrace and compliment your existing educational content, as Snapology programs stimulate students’ interests and curiosity about what they are being taught in the regular classes.  We can always tailor our curriculum to your current schoolwork. In addition to enrichment classes, we also offer programs for workshops, children programs at PTA meetings, field trips, and assemblies. 

I got to know The Co-Co when I was the accountant of Studio 1200, the interior designer and friend of The Co-Co ladies. I admired the design of the workspace since the blueprint, and I made my prompt decision to fill my need for an office and networking circle for my new business and myself. 

The business model of The Co-Co is perfect for women who aim for continuous growth both in personal and professional perspective. The Co-Co is not just a sharing working space, but also a group and passionate people who help and encourage each other. Working at The Co-Co boost my working efficiency, my professional confidence, and my social network. 


Member Spotlight: Lisa DiSciullo


Member Spotlight: Gail Winbury