Member Spotlight: Co-Co Connections!

Three Co-Co members collaborate for a good cause!

  • Deborah Munies, Executive Coach and Let's Figure It Out Podcast Host
    Nicole Smith, Chapter Leader, Room to Read New Jersey
    Kara Richardson Whitely, Author, Speaker and Adventurer

The Co-Co is all about connecting members and fostering relationships. Three Co-Co members recently pooled their professional passion to support girls' education globally and inspire women locally at the virtual Breakthrough Breakfast hosted by the Room to Read NJ Chapter on October 9th. The breakfast is an author event hosted by the Room to Read Chapter in early October to recognize International Day of the Girl.

Nicole Smith and Deborah Munies originally met through the Author Cohort at the Co-Co. Nicole first met Kara Richardson Whitely in 2017 at the Hunterdon Library when Kara gave a talk on her book, Gorge. Nicole joined Deborah at the CoCo one morning to record an interview for Deborah's podcast, Let's Figure It Out. Kara was working nearby and had recently signed a contract with Chrissy Metz of This Is Us to produce a movie for Amazon Studios based on Gorge. Nicole was currently contemplating what type of author to approach for the annual breakfast, still 10 months away. Deborah didn't miss a beat and tilted her head toward Kara to indicate the choice was obvious! Kara graciously agreed to be the featured speaker and Deborah signed on to be the interviewer for the event and it worked out beautifully. The event raised $6,000 for the Girls' Education Program of Room to Read. Enough to support 20 girls in secondary school for an entire year.

"As an author, I know how books can change lives. I was thrilled to join forces to help create opportunity through education in Tanzania after my journey up Mount Kilimanjaro three times." - Kara Richardson Whitely

"Working with Nicole and Kara was seamless. It was like we knew each other forever knowing each piece of the puzzle would show up professionally and personally to deliver an authentic conversation to motivate the attendees." - Deborah Munies

"I appreciate how generous Kara and Deborah are. They didn't hesitate to commit and I was humbled by their support." - Nicole Smith, Chapter Leader, Room to Read

If you would like to support Room to Read through the breakfast fundraiser link, please donate here.


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