Member Spotlight : Melanie Wilson

Growing up on Long Island, NY, I was one of “those kids” whose eyes lit up when the rest of the class groaned about writing projects. I rarely went out to play during sixth-grade recess because I graded papers for my teacher, Mr. Derman. I was only 12 years old, yet I was marking up my classmates’ essays in red pen and offering them writing tips to make their work stronger.

Fast forward to college, where I became the editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper and then had a career working for small publications where I added sales and sales marketing to my bag of tricks.

I have a Master’s in journalism, and am a private writing coach and content creator for women entrepreneurs who don’t have the time or the inclination to focus on their writing, but know that good, original content is critical for the SEO you need to succeed.

Most entrepreneurial women don’t know the best way--or aren't comfortable--talking about themselves and their businesses. I love to write and my career was in marketing and advertising, so I combined my expertise and my passion to create a business that helps women write their story in a way that lets their personality pop through. I help women sell themselves and their business without sounding like used car saleswomen! This is done through both 1:1 coaching and small-group workshops where I help women define their market, identify their customer's problems, and show how they can find the words to demonstrate that they can solve those problems with their skills and expertise.

I have led BIG, a complementary women’s empowerment group in Summit, for the past 10 years. There is much overlap between the two groups. During the pandemic, I wanted to stay as connected as I could to other smart, supportive, inspiring women in the area. Joining The Co-Co was a no brainer! It’s been a few months and I have taken advantage of as much as I can, from the co-working, to the coffees, to the walks, the Empty Nest group, and even the first in-person networking event. I look forward to working with many women from The Co-Co in the future, and to collaborating with the group on programming.


Women's Equality Day Series


Rapid Fire Reflections with Michelle Neier (Video)