Member Spotlight: Sandy Sauchelli

I was raised to do everything I was “supposed to” do. I went to school, did my homework, listened to my elders, graduated college, and got a job. I wanted to advance my career as an editor, get married, and have a family. I had and still have close family and friends. Life was great, right? Yes, it was! But I couldn’t shake the feeling something was missing - I just didn’t know what. I changed jobs several times looking for “that thing.” Maybe it was a new job, career, money, clothes, jewelry that would fill the void. None of it worked. It wasn’t until I faced some health challenges that I discovered I was searching in all the wrong places. I had to go within myself to find the answers I sought, and what I realized was I didn’t know who I truly was. I was listening to all the outside influences telling me “I should do this,” or “I should do that.” I wasn’t listening to what was in my heart. When I started learning to go within myself and to connect with and act upon what my heart and intuition were telling me, I recognized I wasn’t defined by my job, my work, my family, my friends - I was more than that.

That is what meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing opened up for me. These practices had such a powerful impact on my life in so many ways, that I wanted to share them with others. I became trained in mindfulness, meditation, and energy healing methodologies and founded Pathways to Presence – to help others be the best they can be, to truly enjoy life, and to recognize and follow their passions and dreams.

The people who come to me are seekers, searching for a better quality of life. They are suffering from physical, mental, and emotional symptoms and conditions and know deep within themselves there must be a better way to live. Although they are seeking a better quality of life, some do not believe they can attain it or deserve it. I am passionate about helping others to release that belief and to replace it with the belief that they can enjoy their lives and they can create the life they truly want.

As people experience and apply the practices I share with them, they share with me changes they notice in their lives - such as feeling happier, healthier, more relaxed, motivated, confident, and at peace.

I enjoy doing what I do because I love helping others to help themselves and seeing the amazing transformations that happen when people are empowered to make choices aligned with the vision they have for their lives.

My dear friends and fellow Co-Co members, Wendy Schult and Vani Krishnamurthy, told me about The Co-Co. From my very first interactions with other members and all the founders, I felt like I’ve known everyone for years. I instantly felt the connection and community atmosphere that makes The Co-Co such a supportive, inspiring, and kind group of people. Everyone I’ve met has been wonderful.

I’m so thankful to Wendy and Vani for introducing me to The Co-Co and for being a part of this amazing community!


Member Spotlight: Rachel Behm


Member Spotlight: Amy Delman