Member Spotlight: Amy Delman

I began my journey as a corporate soldier. I was accepted into the Joseph E. Seagram & Sons marketing training program after college. It was there I learned the subtle nuances of marketing, public relations and philanthropy. I worked the next 20 years in a variety of companies - my last corporate job was as a Director of Marketing for a large, regional accounting firm. When my twin sons turned 14, they fired the babysitter. They told me and their father they were too old to have someone watch them. Even though I never intended to start my own business, I realized working a 60 hour a week job at the accounting firm and having 14 year old boys alone at home was not going to work - I formed my own public relations consultancy. I had no business background or training but I had years of media contacts. My plan was to work from home until my sons went to college and then go back to corporate America. I began my firm in 2006 and have never looked back. Although terrifying, it was the best decision I have ever made!

I have been involved in public relations, marketing, and branding for three decades. My expertise lies in using media exposure to raise awareness and increase revenues in companies where I have worked in-house or as a consultant. I am proud to have been mentioned in several publications over the years including The New York Times, The Star-Ledger, NJBIZ, Inc. magazine and the National Journal of Public Relations.

I love helping business leaders and owners grow their companies through positioning them as leaders in their industry and 'go-to' resources for the media. Public relations is a third party endorsement of a person, product or service - once someone is quoted, invited to appear on a tv or radio show or published in a publication - they are seen as the expert. No other marketing discipline can provide this type of credibility or exposure!

My business coach, Wendy Schult, introduced me to The Co-Co. I joined because I wanted to meet other professional women looking to grow their own firms. I am looking forward to trying all the activities, meeting new people, developing meaningful relationships and can't wait for when we can all be together on-site!


Member Spotlight: Sandy Sauchelli


Member Spotlight: Marisa Brahney