Member Spotlight : Kelly Falcone

I am a longtime resident of New Jersey. I grew up in Montville, lived in NYC for a decade after college (University of Maryland - go Terps!), and my husband and I have lived in Chatham for 20 years. During my time raising my now 17-year-old daughter, I have been a "career evolutionist" of sorts - evolving and changing my professional life as my family needs changed. I've had corporate gigs, worked in academia, and even spent several years as a group fitness instructor! I have an MA in Counseling, have worked as a professional career counselor, and am a certified health and life coach.

In my career coaching business, I help moms who have taken a career pause to reboot their professional lives, and find meaningful and flexible work. I help my clients with both the outside tools of career reinvention (resumes, networking strategies, interview preparation ) and the inner work of building confidence and belief in themselves as they re-enter the workforce.

Several of my friends are members of The Co-Co, and after joining the email list earlier this year, I attended a Co-Co happy hour this summer (and had a fabulous headshot taken by a Co-Co member:-) I loved the warm and welcoming atmosphere, and sensed that this was a supportive community where I could get advice and assistance as I grew my coaching business. In addition to all the wonderful networking opportunities (I LOVE networking), I'm also excited to share my expertise and skills as a peer mentorship facilitator this fall.


Co-Co News: Welcoming You to Our New Home


Member Spotlight : Nicole Alexander