Member Spotlight : Nicole Alexander

During the pandemic, when they permitted outdoor dining, I would always keep a purse hook with me, figuring that limiting the amount of germs that came into contact with my bag was a good thing. And during that time, many people would stop me and ask what it was and where they could buy one. This caused a lightbulb to go off in my brain. I recognize that the idea of a purse hook or bag holder is not a new concept. But I sought to create a stylish, high-quality version that would compliment the lovely and chic handbag that it protected.

Ivy Alexander is a luxury accessories brand starting first with opulent purse hook products designed to keep your beloved handbags safe from theft and damage. We hope this will be the first of many products that we will offer - all manifesting our tag line, “Luxury with a Purpose.”

This brand is named after my grandmother Ivy. Despite a royal pedigree, she emigrated to the states from England in the 1950’s. She was a seamstress, a corporate assistant, a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

My grandmother worked full time and raised children during an era when women were expected to identify primarily as wives and to eschew work from outside of the home. Ivy was nurturing, smart and quick witted. She had a flirtatious way about her, made a mean cup of tea and wore pink lipstick until the day she died.

This brand is to be the embodiment of her: independent, elegant, and kind.

The meaning behind “Luxury with a Purpose” is two-fold. First, we hope to create smart, functional and luxurious accessories and products for sophisticated clientele. Second, a percentage of our proceeds shall go to the Ivy Alexander Foundation, a foundation dedicated to helping non-profit organizations that advance equity for women.

I met artist and member, Gail Winbury at a fundraiser and ended up buying one of her pieces. We began talking and she told me all about the Co-Co. She also introduced me to Lynne Pagano. While I have only been a member for a short while, I am very proud to be part of this community. During my first Co-Co event, I met Wendy Moynihan who photographed many photos for the Ivy Alexander website and social media. I am also hosting our launch party at the Co-Co on October 27th!

The Ivy Alexander website launches here on Wednesday, 10/27!


Member Spotlight : Kelly Falcone


Member Spotlight : Betty Galvan