Member Spotlight: Beth Nydick

I am a middle child, anyone else? A middle child with a sister 5 years older and a younger brother by 2 years. I believe it’s one reason I like to be the center of attention. I learned at an early age that being “extra” was a way of being both seen and heard at home and at school. I took away one lesson: always be open, be vulnerable and be authentic on stage, in person or on a podcast; to be truly seen and heard. 

Taking that into my adult life, I was able to garner a coveted internship at The Tonight Show with Jay Leno or even my first real job working for MTV & VH1 and on movie sets in NYC and LA. Forward to 2018, after I co-authored, “Clean Cocktails, Righteous Recipes for the Modern Mixologist”, with Tara Roscioli of .

I began speaking on big stages around NJ/NYC on the cookbook, I spoke about publishing and how it was a lesson in; “making potential possible”, a sentence I find myself saying all the time. My conversations after my talks started around cocktails but quickly morphed into business strategies and publicity. I found myself so energized when talking about both and quickly had friends and colleagues coming back to me with more questions and “wins”, they gained from my advice. In my 10+ years in the online space, I have developed strategies and tactics that translate into business success.  I help entrepreneurs to strategically prepare their business and gain exposure through collaboration and media so they can make their potential possible, increase credibility and their bottom line.

I found The Co-CO at the exact right time for myself and my business. I was missing personal interaction, sitting at my desk all day and emailing /txting/dm’ing just wasn’t cutting it anymore. After two weeks as a full member, I felt better. I felt more connected to my community, every day I was meeting and interacting with amazing women in all stages of their businesses and overall felt very supported by the women of The Co-Co. I think I even thanked Suzanne and Lauren for created a space that so deeply affected my outlook on life.


Member Spotlight: JeanAnn Morgan


Member Spotlight: Polly Palumbo