Member Spotlight: JeanAnn Morgan

I’m JeanAnn. I am an expert in marketing communications and branding, and I serve as a “think partner” to global companies and high-performing professionals. I have 20+ years of experience working with global organizations, small businesses, entrepreneurs, founders and Industry leaders to craft compelling, unique and impactful stories that resonate with audiences who matter most. I’m also a networking Ninja. I love meeting people, connecting people and helping people broaden their circles and build their networks for effectiveness and success.

I am Founder and Principal of JAM Creative Communications, LLC where I work with executive product teams and senior level professionals on product and personal branding. I am an idea generator, brand strategist, creative problem solver, and leadership advisor. I have extensive experience in marketing communications and branding having served in senior positions at global independent and publicly-held marketing communications firms. I partner with clients across a range of Industries to assist in strategic marketing, brand building, public relations and transformational leadership disciplines. 

I am a frequent speaker about personal branding and executive presence.

I’m also a passionate connector and am energized by networking with creative and entrepreneurial spirits to help foster personal brand growth. I am the Founder of Women Kick Glass, LLC,  a women’s networking collaborative started to connect and inspire women of all ages and stages. Through my work with Women Kick Glass I love empowering women and helping them elevate their interests and careers through interactive workshops, webinars and networking-with-a-purpose events and activities.

I am passionate about serving my community and am active in education, health, women’s’ and veterans-related philanthropy. I am an Executive Committee member of Summit Speech School in Summit, NJ. I have served as a member of the 2020 Annual Fundraising Committee for Bottomless Closet in NYC. I am a member of the Board of Trustees of The Peck School, a K-8 independent, co-educational day school in Morristown, NJ.

I work with global companies and high-performing professionals and am expert in product and personal branding. I am a “think partner” with clients to create and refine product and personal brand vision and define the right brand voice to amplify messages to audiences who matter most.

When most people think about branding, they think about logos, slogans and design. While these rational branding elements are important, they don’t drive connection. My philosophy to branding starts with the emotional connection we create with brands. Whether your branding is for a product or for your personal brand, purpose is at the center of attraction and connection.  That’s where I start. Brand purpose is what draws audiences to a brand. Purpose has power and fuels what you do and how you do it. Your purpose is directly linked to who you are. It is the reason you, your product or organization exist. It is your mission, your vision and your values. Purpose drives strategy and action, and informs culture. Purpose is motivational and aspirational. Purpose is at the core of how you attract and connect, and purpose is where I start in my approach to product and personal branding consulting work.

Through my networking collaborative, Women Kick Glass, I design and host networking-with-a-purpose events and activities to inspire, energize and connect women of all ages and stages. Every event and activity are different and are designed to bring together women around one simple mission: empowered women, empower women.

You can learn more at and I also invite you to follow Women Kick Glass on Facebook and Instagram.

I learned about The Co-Co online when you announced news of your launch. As a networking Ninja and the Founder of Women Kick Glass, I knew immediately I needed to connect!

The Co-Co offers a warm and welcoming community of women who share a commitment to connection and support. As a female founder and entrepreneur, it is incredibly important to have a supportive ecosystem of like-minded women who are interested in building each other up and creating opportunities for collaboration and shared success.  The Co-Co is so much more than a co-working space. It is a place of empowerment and support for women on a mission.



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