Member Spotlight: Wendy Schult

As The Authenticity Coach, I help high achievers explore, vet and clarify their own definition of success, figure out what beliefs and habits are getting in the way and create a practical, tactical plan to make their dreams a reality.

Upon graduation from law school, I enjoyed a challenging and fulfilling 23-year career at Ayco, a Goldman Sachs company.  As a financial planner and wealth manager to Fortune 500 C-Suite and other senior level executives and their families, I served as trusted advisor to my clients. For over twenty years, I provided tailored advice and drove implementation of action, in all areas of my clients’ financial lives. Rising to Senior Vice President, I was one of the only women on Ayco’s senior management team and lead one of the firm’s largest regions. I served as co-head at the launch of Ayco’s Diversity and Inclusion program and thoroughly enjoyed many formal and informal roles as mentor to aspiring advisors and leaders.

As The Authenticity Coach, I continue to pursue my life-long love of planning as well as my passion for supporting my clients, in one-on-one highly personalized relationships. I dig deep with my clients, speaking to the proverbial elephant in the room and striving to fully understand each client’s dream — the real goal behind the surface goal. I am a nonstop cheerleader, helping my clients to maintain momentum when encouragement is most needed. And I am the no-nonsense general contractor, coordinating all of the tactics to allow each client to construct the “new home” of her ideal vision. I am incredibly grateful to be doing work that makes my heart leap — partnering with my clients to thoughtfully clarify, and then expertly create, the life of their dreams.

I received a Bachelor of Arts in English/General Literature from Binghamton University and a law degree from Albany Law School of Union University. A Certified Professional Coach, I am a graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).  I am a certified practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index assessment and the Myers-Briggs assessment, and I am pursuing my certification as a Multiple Natures practitioner. I am also a more than twenty year student of the Enneagram.

I learned about The Co-Co when I was invited to speak on a panel in February 2020, to discuss the hiring and managing of interns.  From the panel discussion prep call with Suzanne Willian and Lynne Pagano to the welcoming and energetic vibe I experienced the first time I entered the space, I was truly impressed. Within weeks of my first visit, I was invited back three or four times, by both old friends and new networking contacts, to have coffee at The Co-Co. Each time, I was introduced to several women. I felt completely at home. As a gal who has never been a “club joiner” I knew I had found my women-of-a-certain-age “sorority” of fabulous women. What a talented and accomplished group, who are constantly seeking opportunities to grow and, with full hearts, are also looking to “give back” — to each other and to the broader community.

I joined The Co-Co the month our world transitioned to virtual life (compliments of COVID-19). What I had thought was poor timing turned out to be the best possible time to become a part of The Co-Co community.  I am connected to this amazing sisterhood and feel a sense of support and community, which I need now more than ever.  As I launch my coaching practice, the many formal learning events, as well as all of the informal avenues for sharing and connecting, provide me with an ongoing forum to learn and grow — both as a first-time entrepreneur and, even more so, as an evolving woman. I am so grafeful to be a member!


Member Spotlight: Danielle Pollera


Member Spotlight: Clara Wang