Member Spotlight: Adele Dujardin

I am curious, playful, and insightful.

As a coach, I partner with individuals and teams to design and live a life that is happily theirs. Through one-on-one and group coaching, I help people adopt mindsets and practices that will lead them to become more alive and more at peace, especially as they navigate new challenges or prepare to make change. I am trained and certified by the Co-active Training Institute and The International Coach Federation. My practice weaves in the research of positive psychology. Before becoming a coach I was a teacher and helped start The Willow School—an elementary and middle school in New Jersey.  

Apart from my work, I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I am married to a French man who has four grown sons. We lived in Paris where my two daughters attended the International School of Paris. We now call New Jersey home. Normally, my daughters, now in their twenties, work in New York City and attend university respectively, but at this writing, they are with us working and learning virtually. I love to spend time outside whether it is in the form of hiking, swimming, skiing, or playing sports. In addition, I can’t live without adventure and that can happen when I travel, read, visit a gallery, or learn—it’s about experiencing new things.

The Co-Co is a perfect fit. The sun that pours through the windows makes me so happy as does the attractive space. I love good design. It, along with the warm sincere way Co-Co’s leaders connect people, is what draws me to the community. Also there is much depth to The Co-Co’s offerings and the members I meet. Since I come from a family of sisters, attended a women’s college, and am raising girls, women supporting women has been and is an important part of my life.


A Journey of Life and Career... at Home


Member Spotlight: Carrie Petri