Member Spotlight: Carrie Petri

I’m a certified health and wellness coach with a passion for supporting people in bringing to life the healthy lifestyle they envision but find impossible to create in real life.

I’ve worked as a lawyer in finance for many years and seen firsthand how many people struggle to balance their busy weeks and their health. Helping people build a sustainable healthy lifestyle, step-by-step, that fits seamless into their schedule and allows them to take excellent care of themselves is my ultimate joy and privilege. I work with clients privately, and I also run a corporate wellness program at a bank.

My work with clients focuses on three core areas of health, which I call EAT, MOVE and BREATHE. Each person is unique - from their day-to-day lifestyle to their health history, stress triggers, likes/dislikes and their vision for themselves. My job is to help them discover what really works for them around nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep and self-care — and then give them the tools to be able to make those things happen in real life. There is nothing I love more than talking to someone about their health and holding space for them to create the healthy lifestyle they thought was impossible.

I was looking for a co-working space in the area and was lucky enough to come across the CoCo. I’m beyond impressed with this community and the women I’ve met since joining. I’m grateful for the connection and all of the valuable programming and opportunities to get involved. I feel really lucky to have found a home here!


Member Spotlight: Adele Dujardin


Reflections from Co-Co Founders on Celebrating Women