Member Spotlight: Dayna Zoller and Jill Schwartz

Our story began in 2006. We were relatively new dentists, working as associates at the same dental office in NJ. The two of us had an instant connection and became close friends in addition to colleagues. We were both pregnant, and between our dark hair and big bellies, many patients couldn’t even differentiate between the two of us! We fantasized about starting a practice together “one day,” but, as new dentists and with young children at home, the timing just didn’t seem right.

We each moved on from that first job to other associate positions, but we always maintained close contact with one another. We discussed difficult cases from our respective practices, and we took many continuing education classes together. We commiserated about the challenges of being working moms and the constant pull between our work-life and our home-life. We really understood each other, and our friendship grew even stronger.

Fast forward to 2018...we were very happy in our jobs, but we were also both feeling the itch for something more. We were each fortunate to be working for female dentists who inspired us, and a vision began forming for us as to what kind of practice we hoped to build. We are both incredibly passionate about our profession, and our drive for excellence fueled our dream. We wanted to create a beautiful space where patients felt well-cared for and comfortable...where all of the latest technology could be implemented to allow us to provide the highest level of clinical care...and where patients actually looked forward to visiting.

Our search for the perfect location landed us at 779 Springfield Avenue in Summit. We are so proud of the beautiful physical space of our office because of what it means for our patients. The esthetic is warm, welcoming, and spa-like, and our treatment rooms are outiftted with the most updated equipment to keep our patients safe and comfortable. We have TVs in every room, our dental chairs have a massage feature, and we have air filters to help minimize the aerosol. We have digital xrays which drastically reduce the amount of radiation transmitted to a patient, and we even have a digital scanner to replace the need for messy and uncomfortable impressions. Our office is paperless. There is ample free on-site parking for the convenience of our patients as well. We have an endodontist (root canal specialist), an orthodontist, and two oral surgeons as part of our team so that we can offer multi-disciplinary care all under one roof.

With tremendous excitement, we finally opened our doors on February 13th, 2020, only to have to close a month later due to the Coronavirus pandemic. While it was tough starting a new business in the midst of a worldwide crisis, we spent our time off in March, April, and May investing our energy into what we could do to make our office even safer for our patients. When we were finally able to re-open the office on June 1st, we did so knowing that we had taken every precaution we could to keep our patients and our team members protected from COVID.

We are so proud to serve our community and provide top-notch dental care to patients of all ages. We are also thankful for people’s comments about the friendliness and warmth of our team members; they always tell us that they actually enjoy coming to see us! There is no greater compliment than that for a dental office.

We invite you to learn more about us by visiting our website at

I came across The Co-Co less than a year ago really by chance and I’m glad that I did! My partner Jill and I were new to town and just opened up our Dental Practice. We hadn’t yet established roots in the community but we were excited to do so and from the very beginning it seemed that at every turn people were recommending we connect with The Co-Co. First, we heard about it off hand at a Chamber of Commerce Meeting before the quarantine. Later, in June a patient of ours came in and suggested the same and finally connected us directly with Lauren. We love the sense of community and value that The Co-Co brings and look forward to being involved more deeply over time.


Member Spotlight: Jodi Lipper


Member Spotlight: Jennifer Bronsnick