Member Spotlight: Rebecca Ryan

Tell us about your business or work, so readers know about what you do and how you could potentially help them

I am a social media photographer who works with entrepreneurs and small businesses that want to stand out from the crowd with a collection of professional photos for their digital marketing.   Professional photography enables my clients to look just that - professional! This helps clients feel more confident, increases their social engagement and saves them time because they’re not wondering what to post!   In today’s visual world, potential clients can judge your business before getting the opportunity to meet you so having photos that represent your business in an elevated way is essential to success.

Give us your background and your story! We want readers to know a little more about your journey.

My love for photography began when I started a food blog in 2012 while completing an online health coaching course.  My mission was to inspire others to get back into their kitchens to cook healthy, homemade meals and I taught myself the different aspects of lighting, composition, etc. to help my creations look appealing.  I further pursued my interest in helping others live a more healthy lifestyle by working as a personal chef while continuing to style and photograph food. In 2019, I decided to focus solely on my love for photography and have broadened my creative scope to include lifestyle and brand photography.   This business focus has been a big change for me but I have gained so much and have not looked back!

How did you hear about the coco and what prompted you to join:

I heard about The Co-Co through other members of the community and through my business coach.  I was immediately drawn in by the bright, beautiful space and the warm, welcoming staff. I joined because I really felt (and still feel) a connection with the staff and members as we are all there for similar reasons and it feels great to be surrounded by that positive energy.  

Why you love co-working and how it helps your business

I really love that I have a place to come when I don’t want to work from home.  It is a great combination of quiet work time with the opportunity to network and just chat with others.  The networking and visibility has been a huge business boost while the workshops, events, etc. have also been an essential part of helping me learn and grow.


Member Spotlight: Amy Radin


Lily Kantor of Serena & Lily at The Co-Co