What's Hot at The Co-Co: May 15, 2022

Supporting you, wherever you are on the journey of life and career

True to The Co-Co mission, the re-launch of the Working Moms Group brought together women from all stages of life and career.  Participants included:

  • Leaders and executives in industries ranging from pharma, tech, finance, and real estate to non-profit, law, mental health, and education

  • Former corporate executives making a career transition

  • Those anticipating a pause

  • Those just re-entering the workforce

  • Established business owners, and

  • Idea-stage entrepreneurs, among others.

This diverse, multi-generational group came together to share stories and laughs with conversation ranging from upcoming product launches and career changes to spring break plans and kids’ activity schedules.  The evening included networking and 6 small groups led by Co-host  Christina Langdon, Co-Founder, Lauren Decker, and member coaches and small group facilitators Kelly Falcone, Ana Jorge, Heather Marotta, and Jen Milnes.  This group, which is at full capacity, will continue as a series to create a cohort of camaraderie and shared experience among participants.

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The Co-Co Lunchtime Conversation: Your Style


What's Hot at The Co-Co: May 8, 2022