Member Spotlight: Meet Latrice Cole

Fashion and style has always been in my blood but I discovered a deeper appreciation for it during my corporate days. Before launching my business, I was an HR leader and I saw first-hand how having the right visual image had a tremendous impact on a person's presentation, presence and overall impression they left behind.

I can recall a time when my employer needed to fill a high-level position and while they had their eye on an internal candidate that was perfect for the job they did not feel her image was a good representation of the company. They needed someone who was polished, had presence, and showed leadership, which was lacking from her appearance. Long story short, she was not chosen to fill the position.

Stories such as this always broke my heart because talented professionals, especially women, were getting passed over for opportunities simply because they didn’t look the part. I wanted to change that because everyone has value and your image can be used to show that value and stand out with distinction. So, I combined this experience with my love of style and the conviction of wanting more out of life and started my business.


As a certified style and image consultant, I help talented professionals and entrepreneurs create a signature style that reflects with their brand. Through one-to-one programs, my goal is to help you curate a wardrobe that's not only authentic, influential and impactful but positions you to achieve greater levels of success.


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