The Co-Co’s WHAT’s OUT and WHAT’s IN for 2024

Our February 2024 Lunchtime Conversation at The Co-Co convened a dynamic panel from varied fields — technology, leadership coaching, beauty, and photography. (Members can visit the Event Library to view the recording.) Special thanks to Devanshi Garg Sareen of Motif Beauty, Jamie Meier of Live Love Lens Photography, Elizabeth Zeigler of Claremont, and Mark Stahl from Google for their valuable insights. And appreciation to Co-Co Co-Founder Suzanne Willian for facilitating the conversation. Together with our community's input, we co-created this uplifting vision for 2024:

OUT: Chasing Perfection | IN: Embracing Authenticity

Emphasizing Devanshi’s approach, we discussed how celebrating our inherent uniqueness triumphs over the elusive chase for perfection.

OUT: Hustling to Exhaustion | IN: Valuing Sleep and Rest

Taking a page from Jamie’s book on rest, we recognized the crucial role of rest and sleep as foundational pillars for long-term success and wellness.

OUT: Avoiding Fear | IN: Confronting Challenges

Echoing Elizabeth’s sentiments on authenticity, we agreed that embracing challenges leads to substantial growth and empowerment.

OUT: Suppressing Emotions | IN: Honoring Emotions

Inspired by Jamie, our conversation celebrated the strength found in recognizing and expressing our true feelings.

OUT: ‘Girl Boss’ Label | IN: Adaptive Leadership

Fueled by Suzanne’s perspective on leadership, we explored how true leadership is adaptive and inclusive, transcending trendy labels.

OUT: Undervaluing Work & Taking on Misaligned Work | IN: Raising Prices & Saying No Swiftly

Affirming Jamie's advocacy for fair compensation, we recognized the dual importance of demanding what we're worth and embracing the power of 'no.' This dual approach ensures we commit only to work that meets our value standards and aligns with our core values and goals.

OUT: Digital Detachment | IN: Genuine Connection

In harmony with Mark’s and Devanshi’s experiences, the group highlighted the unmatched significance of real-world interactions for creative leaps and deep connections.

OUT: Polarizing Politics | IN: Informed Voting

Prompted by Suzanne’s and other’s lists, we discussed the critical need for informed and thoughtful political engagement.

OUT: Constant Endurance | IN: Living Authentically

Informed by Mark’s approach, we strived for a life-work balance that resonates with our deepest values and authentic selves.

OUT: Self-Doubt | IN: Self-Acceptance

Taking a leaf from Elizabeth’s story, we celebrated the empowering journey of embracing our past and present with pride and confidence.

This OUT | IN list reinforces The Co-Co's mission to provide a nurturing space where growth, connection, and transformation are more than aspirations — they are real experiences.

We eagerly anticipate bringing these themes to life through our events and everyday interactions at The Co-Co. Here’s to a year filled with intentionality, connectivity, and exploration!


What’s Hot at The Co-Co: Week of February 18th


What’s Hot at The Co-Co: Week of February 11th