Member Spotlight: Kara Richardson Whitely

Hi! I'm Kara Richardson Whitely, a new-ish member of the Co-Co.

As an author, I often work solo at home, except when I'm traveling for speaking engagements. (I've presented at Google, Uber, Pfizer, Dartmouth, Purdue and more and I've been featured in the New York Times, on Good Morning America, The Today Show and many other publications including Backpacker and Daily Beast.)

Over the summer, I had a big project in the works. My book Gorge: My Journey Up Kilimanjaro at 300 Pounds -- was being optioned to be made into a movie. I knew it was in the works but the deal was still in progress. But it didn't feel real yet and the days while I waited were agony. I couldn't seem to get any work done (and I had a lot to do) at home.

I decided to join the Co-Co because I needed to get out of my house. I needed to change the energy on this project.

I started introducing myself as an author, speaker AND executive producer. I started taking myself more seriously. I liked having a place to go, so I could get dressed for the day and work along other professional women. Within a few weeks, the movie deal closed while I was working at the Co-Co! It was an awesome moment.

But there was an even better result. As soon as I immersed myself in this community of ambitious and supportive women, I found that I have been more productive and connected to my work. I've found partners for all sorts of dreams from an event photographer @servingupsocial for our celebratory event on Nov. 13. I've been able to lay the ground work for my first-ever Moving Mountains Retreat (Jan. 12, 2020) I've accelerated all sorts of speaking and brand partnership projects.

I joined the Co-Co looking for a place to work and, as it turns out, I found a home that supports my dreams.


Lily Kantor of Serena & Lily at The Co-Co


Member Spotlight: Maggie Doyne