Member Spotlight: Callie Exas
“I'm a registered dietitian + fitness expert specializing in women's health and wellbeing. Before a became an expert, I was a patient. For many years I struggled with burnout, hormonal chaos, and my relationship with my body. Over the course of my education, I realized that you can't hate your way into a body you love, so with that, I set out to establish a practice and community that is rooted in connection, nourishing, abundance, and empowerment. Since starting my practice in 2018, things have evolved quite bit - both personally and professionally. In the last 4 years, I've had 2 kids, moved, and transformed my practice in order to better serve my clients in this season of life.
I work with women experiencing hormonal mayhem and burnout to help them better understand their mind body connection by taking a proactive, real life approach to nutrition and selfcare practices. Together, we dive into the nuances of each individual's biological, physiological, and physiological components of your health and wellness. We address not just nutrition, but also sleep, stress, movement and supplement protocols to help you feel more energetic, vibrant, and empowered in your body.
I am beyond excited to be hosting my first micro-retreat: Raising Women. This day is for any woman who feels the weight of putting others before herself and desires to prioritize her own well-being so she can show up in her full potential for what matters to her. Whether you’re a mother, a leader, a nurturer, a creative soul, a mover and shaker, do-er of all things woman, this day is for you. Come away feeling more alive, energetic, and clear-headed, connected to yourself and supported by other women in our vibrant community. This is a great opportunity to come together as a community and lift one another up. I'm more than to happy to offer all Co-Co members a discount. Check out the details here: www.callieexas/events and use the code FRIEND.
My friend (and biz mentor) introduced me to the Co-Co. I joined to foster community and connection with new people in the area and re-establish my business since having kids.”