Member Spotlight: Jessica Zirkel-Rubin

I’ve always been happiest making things; the creative “flow state” is where I find deep peace and personal fulfillment. As a kid, making things look REAL was extra exciting. I loved visiting my father’s office, where there were typewriters and copy machines and other grown-up tools to try. When my family got our first home computer and I received a PrintShop floppy disk for Hanukkah, I could not believe my luck! I was captivated by fonts and clip art and eventually figured out how to create my own “computer graphics,” pixel by pixel. As technology changed, my graphic design interests and skills kept pace, from traditional paste-up, to desktop publishing, to educational website design (earned a doctorate in this), to social media content creation.

After related roles in both nonprofit and corporate settings, my creativity has found its most recent outlet in freelance -- designing logos, websites, and marketing collateral that makes others’ businesses “look real.” I create logos that uniquely communicate the essence of a company’s vibe, values, and offerings, are memorable and recognizable, and adaptable to many applications. I use WordPress to carefully craft custom websites from scratch, not templates, so that sites are functional and beautiful across devices, and seamlessly integrate other business-essential apps (if necessary). My specialized training in User Experience and User Interface (UX/UI) ensures that websites and other marketing materials are user-friendly and accessible, supporting customers and clients from the get-go.

I first learned about The Co-Co by driving past its friendly orange signage on Summit Avenue. I had felt isolated working from home (pre-COVID); the pandemic only made this isolation more acute. I'm a relatively new member but looking forward to making professional and personal connections.


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