Member Spotlight: Hector Rosekrans

I've been working full time in the Bitcoin industry since 2018, however my journey there started in an unlikely place. I graduated high school in the wake of 9/11, and decided to take a sharp departure from the path to traditional college, instead enrolling at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Four years later I graduated and joined the Surface Warfare community, serving as an engineering officer, boarding team leader, and ship's navigator.

During five years on active duty I developed a deep interest in how technology impacts security, economics, and global trade. After leaving the service I completed graduate school at Cal, made my way to Wall Street, and ultimately landed a job working on technology at J.P. Morgan. My interests pulled me towards the bank's blockchain initiatives, and I was bitten by the cryptocurrency bug and decided to dive into the industry full time.

At Casa we believe that Bitcoin will play a crucial role in the next century of finance, and are committed to helping people understand and navigate the technical challenges for the benefit of their families and future generations. We offer multiple levels of service, general and tailored security advice, technical support, inheritance planning, and more. I'm also always happy to just talk anything and everything Bitcoin!

I live in Summit and have heard great things from friends about the Co-Co!


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