The Co-Co Entrepreneur Cohort: Technology Q&A

Your customers interact with you by following you on social media, signing up for your newsletter, purchasing your product, and more. These interactions knit together to form your customer’s “journey” - not only to becoming your customer but also what happens after. In this Entrepreneur Cohort, The Co-Co's Systems Integration and Automation Specialist Jacob Monash facilitated a discussion on how technology can measure, proceduralize, and automate customer interactions that build connection and trust. Learn from the key takeaways shared by Jacob, Co-Co co-founder Suzanne Willian, and Co-Co members Christie VanderLaan, Melanie Wilson, and Estelle Fournier in this recap video.

Learn from the key takeaways shared by Jacob, Co-Co co-founder Suzanne Willian, and Co-Co members Christie VanderLaan, Melanie Wilson, and Estelle Fournier in this recap video.

If you can’t see the video on this page, click here to watch.


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