Team Spotlight: Jacob Monash


Since I was 15 I thought I was going to become an academic professor! It wasn't until I finished my PhD that it finally sunk in that there were other career paths out there better suited to my skillset. After a couple of stints as a project coordinator, and uprooting my life to move from New Zealand to Canada, I started freelancing as a "productivity specialist". Exactly what that's meant has changed frequently over the past 3 years as I've searched for my own path (and is still very much a work in progress), but I think fundamentally I want to support equality by helping thoughtful, caring companies scale their impact in the world.

My work revolves around getting technology platforms to speak to each other. Because when they don't, businesses often have to spend time exporting, importing, and cleaning up data, which gets in the way of more exciting possibilities. The benefits of having a clean, connected system on the back-end enables businesses to scale their acquisition and retention efforts on the front-end, for example by automatically sending new subscribers a welcome series, or encouraging sub-groups of members to engage with specific initiatives based on their interests.

I met Suzanne and The Co-Co team through a job posting site and joined the team to streamline their technology setup. It's been over a year now and working with such a supportive and engaged team has really inspired me to focus my career on finding and serving more communities who share similar values and genuinely want to connect with and help their audiences.

Learn more about Jacob & his business at the following link: Jacob Monash Automation


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