2020 in Review and Looking Ahead

The Co-Co started 2021 with a member-exclusive salon conversation.  This virtual salon was the third in our series of member-exclusive salons.  

Our first gathering was a dinner and discussion at Lynne’s house BEFORE we opened The Co-Co space.  That evening, our charter members informed what co-learning and connection would look like at The Co-Co.

Last year, we kicked off 2020 with a salon IN The Co-Co space.  Fueled by the energy of our membership, we started our second year in business with a vibrant membership and a sense of possibility

The 2021 salon gave us the opportunity to reflect on how 2020 played out for all of us.  That night, we celebrated our community because even in a year marked by uncertainty, a year that shone a light on the confluence of pressures women have been juggling for decades, you were resilient and creative.  You “showed up” for each other and for yourselves.

This community made good things happen, as you can see in the video below .  At our listening event this fall, we began to lift up together and start to lay the groundwork to reinvent women supporting women for these times.

So what does women supporting women look like now?  

  • It’s working together, learning together, and connecting in new ways,

  • It's giving and receiving knowledge, resources, and connections,

  • It’s caring for each other and those most vulnerable in our broader community,

  • It’s motivating and sustaining fellow members. 

  • It’s advancing each others' businesses, passions, and projects, 

  • and it’s sharing and listening to one another. 

You have built this community with us, and it has been a privilege to be on this journey with you.  Let’s continue to build on what we’ve created together, no matter what the future holds.


Member Spotlight: Andrea Rizvi


Member Spotlight: Cherie James