Member Spotlight: Belkys Pastor

After many years in corporate finance and having two young sons, Belkys combined her love of travel with her analytical and organizational skills to launch Distinct Vacations in 2013. Her passion is helping families create treasured memories by designing private and highly personalized trips. She believes that family vacations allow us to reconnect in ways not always possible at home where busy routines dominate our lives.

When she's not working or traveling, Belkys enjoys practicing yoga and spending time with her husband, two sons, and their beagle puppy.

Distinct Vacations is a boutique travel agency helping families create treasured vacation memories before the kids graduate high school, or college, or before they move on with their own lives. We do that by designing private and highly personalized trips where the entire family will share moments that will forever remain in their hearts.

“I originally heard about the Co-Co through another networking organization. Then recently speaking to one of the members she encouraged me to reach out as she thought I would be a great fit with the Co-Co. I am really enjoying the virtual experiences the Co-Co curates for us. Being home based it is so important to have a group of inspiring women to connect with and also a great way to grow your business. The Co-Co founders make it a priority to ensure members are connecting with each other as they build a great community. Thank you!”

Check out Distinct Vacations here!


Member Spotlight: Rebecca Murphy


Member Spotlight: Taylor Buonocore-Guthrie